Present Tense (Waktu Sekarang Sederhana)
Menjelaskan peristiwa yang
terjadi di waktu sekarang dalam bentuk sederhana atau suatu pekerjaan/perbuatan
yang dilakukan berulang-ulang, atau kebiasaan sehari-hari, atau
peristiwa/perbuatan yang tidak ada kaitannya dengan waktu.
Rumus dari Simple Present
Tense adalah :
S + To be (am ,
is, are) +...
S + Verb bentuk I
+ (s / es ) +....
- Dipakai untuk menyatakan
perbuatan yang dilakukan karena kebiasaan.
Misalnya : I go to school every day =
Saya pergi ke sekolah setiap hari.
- He usually eats an egg for
breakfast = Ia biasanya makan sebutir telur untuk makan
Jika pokok kalimatnya orang ketiga tunggal (he, she, it) maka bentuk dasar kata kerja akan mengalami perubahan :
Misal :
to speak speaks = berbicara
to help helps = membantu
Infinitif yang berakhir
dengan vocal –e, walaupun berakhiran suara huruf z atau I, ditambahkan –s saja.
Misal : to use uses =
menggunakan / memakai
to chalange changes =
mengubah / menukarkan
Contoh Soal :
1. (+)My little
brother tidies up her room before school.
(-) My
little brother doesn’t leave her room untidy before school.
(?) Does your
little brother tidy up her room before school? / Yes, he does.
2. (+) I
sometimes sleep early at 8 p.m.
I don’t always sleep early at 8 p.m.
(?) Do you
sometimes sleep early at 8 p.m.? / Yes, I do.
3. (+) This is my
This is not her family.
(?) Is this
her family ?
4. (+) He is an
arrogant person.
(-) He is not a humble person.
(?) Is he an arrogant person?
5. (+) They
drink a glass of water
(-) They are not drink a glass of water
(?) Are
they drink a glass of water ?
Simple Past Tense (
Waktu Lampau Sederhana )
Dipakai untuk menunjukan bahwa suatu perbuatan (kegiatan),
situasi, yang terjadi pada waktu lampau dan berakhir saat tertentu di waktu
lampau dan waktu terjadinya diketahui.
Rumus :
S + Tobe (was/were) + ...
S + Verb bentuk 2+ ....
a. Digunakan untuk
menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan, ataupun peristiwa
di waktu lampau dengan jelas walaupun waktunya tidak ditentukan.
example :
di waktu lampau dengan jelas walaupun waktunya tidak ditentukan.
example :
- They went to their
parent at Asahan
-I waited her five in
her house
b. Digunakan untuk
menyatakan suatu pekerjaan, perbuatan, yang seandainya
terlaksana (terjadi)dilakukan.
terlaksana (terjadi)dilakukan.
- If I have much money ,
I would help you
- If you call me would
you do to me.
Contoh Soal :
1. ( + ) Last year
we went to Malang.
( – ) Last year
we didn’t go to Malang.
( ? ) Did you go
to Malang last year?
2. ( + ) She was angry
because you were late.
( – ) She was
not happy because you were late.
( ? ) Was she
angry because you were late?
3. ( + ) We were still
here after you went home.
( – ) We weren’t as
happy as you were here.
( ? ) Were you
still here and happy after I went home?
4. ( + ) They were very
excited to meet the artists.
( – ) They weren’t bored
to meet the artists.
( ? ) Were they
bored to meet the artists?
5. ( + ) The
hotel was very expensive.
( – ) The
hotel wasn’t cheap.
( ? ) Was the
hotel expensive?
Present Continuous Tense (Sedang Berlangsung)
Digunakan untuk menyatakan suatu
kejadian (perbuatan) atau pekerjaan yang sedang berlangsung (terjadi) pada saat
sekarang (waktu bicara)
S+To be (is, am, are,) + Verb bentuk I + ing + ...
a. Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu kejadian atau perbuatan yang sedang berlangsung.
example : She is clearing the room
b. Dipergunakan untuk menyatakan suatu peristiwa atau perbuatan yang bersifat semetara
example : We are listening the radio before she come
Contoh Soal :
1. (+) Amira is
going to the beach with her friends.
(-) Amira is
not going to the beach with her friends.
(?) Is Amira going to the beach
with her friends?
2. (+) Ben is
loving to read book.
(-) Ben is
not loving to read book.
(?) Is
Ben loving to read book?
3. (+) We are
taking a long course.
(-) We are not taking a long
(?) Are we taking a long course?
Past Continouse Tense ( Waktu Lampau Sedang
Digunakan untuk menanyakan suatu perbuatan atau peristiwa yang sedang berlansung pada wakyu lampau ketika kejadian peristiwa lain terjadi
Formula :
S + was/were+ Verb bentuk I (ing) + ...
Menyatakan perbuatan yang sudang dimulai
dan masih berlangsung ketikan perbuatan lain menyusul pada waktu lampau,
Misalnya :
While i was bathing in the river i heard a fearful cry - Ketika aku sedang
mandi di sungai itu kudengar heritan yang menakutkan
When you called me, i was listening to the radio = Ketika anda menelepon
saya, saya sedang mendengarkan radio
perbuatan yang sedang terjadi pada waktu lampau
- He
was watching television all afternoon yesterday = Ia sedang memirsa
telivisi sepanjang sore kemaren.
Contoh soal :
1. (+) Amira was
going to the school by bus when I met her yesterday.
(-) Amira wasn’t
going to the school by bus when I met her yesterday.
(?) Was Amira going to
the school by bus when I met her yesterday?
2. (+) Luna and
Ron were loving to read book long time ago.
(-) Luna and Ron weren’t loving to
read book long time ago.
(?) Were Luna and Ron loving to read
book long time ago?
3. (+) We were
keeping running far away.
(-) We weren’t
keeping running far away.
(?) Were we keeping running far
Sumber Buku :
Accurate, Brief and
Penulis :
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